Nicole Bando | Dietitian & Lactation Consultant

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Fussy Eating

Do you find yourself cooking 3 different meals each night? If your child is not eating or is a fussy eater, you may be worried about the variety and quantity of food your toddler (or older child) eats. Meal and snack times can become a dreaded battleground when your little one digs their heels in and won’t eat what is offered. You may find yourself throwing your hands in the air, wondering if all is lost. (continues below)

During our initial 60-minute appointment, I will assess your little one’s growth, medical history, a detailed feeding history to learn the ‘what’ and ‘how’ your child is eating. Part of this is understanding the family’s unique eating habits. With this information, I will explain which foods your child is eating enough of and those foods or nutrients we need to focus on, e.g. iron. I will advise whether there are other concerns such as food aversions or sensory issues.

Once the assessment is done, together we create a management strategy that fits with your unique family’s needs. This will be practical, whole family based and provide a detailed guide of ‘what’ (types and quantities of foods to include), as well as ‘how’ (meal time & responsive feeding management strategies). We will address growth concerns (not enough or too much) and discuss normal growth expectations. Over time, we will add and refine this strategy, based on your child’s progress and growth. I will advise if your child may need blood tests or additional investigations and I will refer, or liaise with your other healthcare professionals, if needed.

You will be provided with the tools and confidence to feed your family.To make a booking, please click the button below.

Additional resources:

Dealing with a fussy eating child.